Zeus |
Zeus is a beautiful Walmeraner that instantly came into my new family when I married Bubby. He was about 4 years old at the time and I have never in my life owned a big dog. I am truly a Yorkie kind of girl. Actually, the biggest dog that I have ever owned was a Cocker Spaniel.
Trixie |
I instantly had my reservations on having this big creature in my house that weighs more than me! After about 4 months of this dog in my house I had enough. So I came up with a plan......When I would go visit my Dad at Thanksgiving, I would leave him there. You see, my Dad has a beautiful ranch that is located 30 miles south of San Antonio. It has approximately 375 acres. He lives there alone except for the caretaker and many different species of animals. This would be perfect for him! He could have some company and Zeus would have a place to roam and make new friends. My Dad has always pretended that he doesn't like dogs. But you would catch him playing with them, giving them treats and buying them $100.00 beds (the bed I bought Zeus was $18.00 from Sam's).
Zeus stayed at the ranch for about 2 years, He had many experiences while living there. For one, he got bitten by a rattle snake. He has a scar to prove it! He got kicked by dohl sheep, chased by antelope, chased after bass in the pond. Let's put it this way....DOG HEAVEN!!
Dohl Sheep at Pop's Ranch |
There came a day when the kids missed him so and my Dad was ready to get rid of his new found friend.
So another journey began....when we packed up the car to go home Zeus came with us! I knew instantly he was mine until "death do us part!"
After being home for awhile, he would put his paws on the chair I was sitting on and start "dog talking" in my ear. When Bubby wasn't home and I was in bed alone; he would join me. After a few minutes I would always kick him out. He started to sleep by my side of the bed and sit next to me in the den!
One day I decided that I had to let my barriers down.....
now my life will never be the same without Zeus in it!
Love you man!
Coming soon.....Zeus's Moods.