Sunday, January 2, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year!

I want to wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, one that is full of every blessing that life can bestow upon you and your family!

Bringing on the New Year always has been a time for looking back at the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on changes we want in our life (or need) to make and resolve and follow through on these changes.

These are my top New Year's Resolutions. Whether I'd adhere to them or not, these are things that I want to accomplish this upcoming year as a modern Mom.

1. Indulge myself - Raising children many women put this on the back burner. I want to get pedicures a few times a year, massages (haven't had one in three years), nails done, relax in the tub after a stressful day with candles reading a good book and wine. This would entail no kids pounding on the door the entire time.

2. Take a vacation without the kids -  Even if it is just for a long weekend.......

3. Get organized - File taxes on time, get my house, calendar and finances in order.

4. Tell Bubby what help looks like - He can't read my mind and he tries hard, but the load needs to be rebalanced (FYI ~ he is mopping right now because the Father In Law is coming in tomorrow and I'm writing this blog)

5. Create a "New Family Tradition"

6. Entertain more - Open my home to family, old and new friends.

7. Career Change - Find a rewarding career that matches my skills, level of education and can still be there for my kids.

8. Loose 20 pounds - being that my New Year's Resolution two years ago was to quit smoking for the 2nd time, I've gained a scary 20 pounds since then.....another story.

9. Read more 

10. Redraft my Mission Statement in Life
So what are your resolutions? Thoughts, comments....

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